Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Hottie: Muslim Bitches

 Yo, Al Qaeda, today the Den is saluting all those bitches you wrap up in burkas. BMR is gonna get his "ess eff" on with more than one of them. Maybe a little UNF on top of that burka once I get ol' girl out of it.
 I know y'all got some lynxes, but I also know you've been pounding them into submission for the better part of the last 3,000 years. That shit's about to change. BMR is gon' liberate them shits.
Because he knows, underneath, some might look like this...

To you devout Muslims, I'm sorry, but I cannot respect the fact that you believe your god wants you to hide your whole face and body. Call it cultural differences. I'll call it some dumb shit, but KFTC.


  1. This is some of your finest work my friend. Well timed on the last day of Ramadan. (slow clap)

  2. Seriously, Miss Egypt looks like Amy Winehouse. But hot.

  3. Haha. Tico's link was removed cause it "may have been offensive". My ninja...
