Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Random Acts of Awesome: Girl at Lincoln Park

BMR be on his dog walk like 60% of the time he's not working. It's cool, keeps a dude busy, keeps some exercise in a ninja's routine. Some days it's kind of tough to make the trek to the park, especially if he was up late the night before making comics or dope ass hip hop as a ninja has been known to do. However, when this jackal rolls out of bed and walks 10 blocks to the park, it's pretty refreshing to come across you, girl who runs in the morning wearing only a sports bra and pair of shorts. You take this jackal for a little stroll through your breasts that glisten in morning sunlight and a stomach fit for frying eggs like Valeria Golino in 'Hot Shots'. So keep running, girl who runs in the morning wearing only a sports bra and a pair of shorts. Here's hoping your tolerance for cold buys me a few more weeks/months of creeping you out while you run past me and my dog.


  1. I love the mental image of BMR creepin in the shadows smokin American Spirits sippin on some Dunkin with Brodie McRib snarlin as shorties jog by and get terrified and pick up the pace knowing Brodie McRib could chase them down and snag them like a well thrown frisbee...

  2. What happened to the image of breasts glistening in sunlight?

  3. That's your image, mine is of you creepin and peepin.
