Thursday, May 20, 2010

JOTD: Kevin Costner(hear me out)

Okay, clearly the name Kevin Costner and the word 'jackal' aren't synonymous. This jackal has clearly strayed from time to time and been asked to put on terrible southern accents. But check out what he does with his spare time/money...
...and check out his hot ass wife.


  1. Pssst Kev, the spill is bigger than the state of MD. Keep fuckin that chicken, though.

  2. Yeah, you're right, BD2x, BP seems to have a pretty good handle on things. KFTC.

  3. those idiots at BP are still running atlantis. If that goes it will make this spill look like a coffee stain.

    Props to Kevin but we need more than clean up have to stop it first.


    (Keep fuckin that chicken til SS thinks of another stupid abbrevation for keep fuckin that chicken that isn't as funny as Keep fuckin that chicken)

    PS that link is old as fuck. they are now able to grab 2k of the 70,000 gallons an hour or whatever the fuck it is now. This is going to get much much much worse before it gets better. Like I said before our grandkids will be dealing with this.
