Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fuck Comcast in their fucking asses, they're fucking clown shoes

Comast is a gay clone the likes of which are only comparible to Sadney Crosby, his boyfriend Max Cooke. Tonight they decided to air the gay clone wizards game over the clearly JAF capitals game against the penguins. Thankfully i have versus and am able to watch the game. Not hear it. Watch. The sound works great on every commercial but the second it switches to something related to hockey the sound goes off. Comast cable is bout to get UNFed by this young jackal. HOWWWLLLLL


  1. i have comcast cable
    vs doesnt have sound cuz comcast blows

  2. Boogers McRib reads the first hallf of the post and then breaks out his 'jump to conclusions' board and then goes straight to the comments.... nice!

  3. So you have no frame of reference here, Donny. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie

  4. Sorry, fella. I was ill-tempered with the whole Caps on TV subject. My watering hole(not coincidentally Pontius' bar) recently switched one of their TVs to Fox Soccer Channel full-time. Not a typo, full-time FSC. Be very afraid. I missed the overtime game winner the other night and was force-fed a Duke national title while an MLS roundtable was on the "good TV". I'll try and devote some more time to your stating the obvious in the future, BabyFace. Comcast blows?!?!? You don't say! Try watching every game with AM radio and a delayed stream from an off-shore website for the video. See how you like it. Do you know what watching hockey like that does to a jackal? If you have HD(shaking fist)...

  5. Time to get a new watering hole. That is the gayest fucking thing I have ever heard.
