Thursday, April 1, 2010

72 hours until BDtwice gets the sweet nectar that is alcohol and he be stressin'

I have not had a drink since February 14th, 2010. By choice mind you. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Now it is just not fun anymore. Being sober has made me realize 3 things: I am healthier without alcohol, drinking is fun as shit, and it also made me realize that I need it so I don't punch every person I come into contact with on a daily basis. 72 hours to can do this BallDEEP

Actual conversation:

"Hey you know that report you gave us (that you have revised 3 times already)?" said Douchebag A

"yeah" BD2 states while continuing to stare at his monitor and hope he isn't seen, and most importantly hope that said jackass will move onto someone else who gives even less of a fuck than he.

"We need it in a different format can you go back and revise?" (read: can you undo all the work that took you all day when you weren't in the Den or on or or and redo it all over again for the 4th time because we are fucking retarted and don't know what we are asking for so we are just going to keep asking you to do more work because we are too stupid to do it ourselves?

"yep, no problem" (read: fuck fucking WILL taste my UNF....clone)

Thank God it's Friday...oh wait there is still an entire day of work left before weekend reprieve. Hang in there Jackal....hang in there.


  1. So you're going to get wasted on Easter? I'm sure Jesus will appreciate that... I assume this was this a Lent thing?

    I feel you on work though...I just got scheduled for a SEVEN hour conference call on Monday. Yes, you read that right. Clone me now.

  2. Hot damn that picture is awesome. Maybe even as awesome as you're going to get to celebrate Jesus' resurrection...

  3. The best part is that he actually thanks GOD for the Friday of his son's death...

