How dare you question my Orioles fandom? How fucking dare you? Do I not own a polaroid picture of Cal Ripken with 5 year old SS after he signed a baseball card for me? Did I not own a Sesame Street weebles sort of thing and take the Yellow Bert and name him Cal and the Orange Ernie and name him Eddie? How fucking dare you? I was at 2131 mother fucker. I wear #26 in all athletic endeavors and have done so since middle school in a tri pronged tribute to the #21 my father wore, the #56 LT wore, and the 2 + 6 = 8 for Cal Ripken. You mother fuckers have some fucking nerve... Is this not me in an Os hat less than 2 years ago? It sure as fuck is.
So lets get geographical here. Here
you will see a map of MD and point A represents the home I grew up in and point B represents were I went to College which is basically where I live now. You will also see red lines depicting my current proximity to DC which I have had starting 12 years ago and blue lines depicting my childhood proximity to Baltimore.
So here is the deal. I root for both teams. I root for them both equally. Taking the proximity chart above I don't see an y reason why this is a problem. The teams play in separate leagues and the odds of them meeting in the World Series are about 1000 to 1 considering how much they both currently suck as well as the fact that their divisions contain 4 of the 5 top payrolls in baseball every single year. In fact I can't think of the last time that a team from the AL East not named Red Sox or Yankees AND a team of the NL East not named Mets or Phillies was even IN THE PLAYOFFS in the same year. Baseball is gay as fuck and this is a reason why. So I will never have to choose between the two.
But the retards mentioned above seem to think that part of being an Os fan is hating the Nats. Why? Because they are mindless fucking sheep. Peter Angelos, a cocksucker who made his money defending crooked contractors who gave poor people cancer, embarked on a 10 year crusade to keep baseball out of Washington. Why did Angelos do this? So he could keep selling out his stadium while putting a shitty team on the field. You see that in the five years before the Nats the Os averaged an awesome 70.6 wins a year for a winning percentage of 44%. The five years the Nats have been in DC they average 69 wins a year for 43%. That said attendance has dropped from and average of 35,422 the five pre Nats years to 26,918 the five years with actual competition for the shitty product Angelos rolls out. What does all of this mean? Peter Angelos is a cocksucker who should have spent his free time in the off season from 2000-2004 MAKING THE FUCKING TEAM BETTER instead of trying to cock block DC from having a team. If you want to be a mindless fucking sheep who hates what that cocksucker tells you to hate knock yourself. I'm not into that. I'll root for the Os and root for the Nats and hope that the Nats being in DC and having a very bright future will FORCE Angelos to make the team better to stop losing money.
On to the homework portion of this post...
BMR and BD2 grew up in the same fucking house. This fact cannot be disputed. BMR is a Ravens fan and BD2 reps the Skins (at least this decade anyways...). The Ravens moved to BMore from Cleveland in the mid nineties much like Nats came to DC from Montreal in the oughts. When BD2 said "The Nationals are the Expos....expelled from Montreal for sucking too bad" was he not also talking about the Ravens oops my bad, the Browns? When BMR nodded in agreement was he not talking shit about the football team he roots for? And what the fuck is BD2 doing rooting for a DC team if he reps the Os so hard? Why hasn't he adopted the Browns? Shit he wasn't even a Skins fan until after the Browns already existed in Baltimore. This is all very confusing to me so why don't you two retards fight it out and figure out what your position is and get back to me.
ps I have watched two baseball games this year (well parts of 2 games) and both were Os games. Go the fuck asleep.