Thursday, March 25, 2010

Know What Sucks?: Jury Duty

Your boy BMR would like to introduce a new segment to the Den. It's called 'Know What Sucks?' Today's 'Know What Sucks?' is brought to you by the District of Columbia and BMR's place of beezwax. I'm pretty sure jury duty sucks under any circumstance. The Man was telling BMR he had to use his vacation time to go decide whether or not to imprison a ninja. This myth has since been dispelled, but jury duty is still likely to suck ass. So, DC, you think you want to try and clone me? Not bloody likely.


  1. clone response: It is your civic duty. just like paying taxes.

    PS legally they can't charge you for personal time to go to jury duty talk to your HR...

  2. No, they renegged their "hardass" stance. Believe me, any chance I get to talk to my HR rep is one I relish. SS knows what I'm talkin' 'bout.

  3. Boogers is considering sexually harassing his HR rep, a friend of Mrs SSs, who happens to be blonde...

  4. Come on, dude. That's not accurate. Sexual harassment was never an option. I was 'considering' pushing the future "Mr. HR Rep" off
    a cliff...

  5. OK, so blondes may have a thing or two on brunettes. What are we splitting hairs here?
