Thursday, March 18, 2010

Do Your Thing, NJ: Race Relations

We're on pace to make this a daily jackalism. I'm sure I could pull it off if I actually lived in New Jersey. KFTC.


  1. each one of these posts makes me more upset about my current situation. I hate NJ, I hate that I have negative equity and can't sell my house, I want to move back where the grass is green and the girls are pretty but that's life my jackal.

    Let's find a new topic. How about climate change or Maryland basketball, I don't think we have discussed those in awhile. (snicker)

  2. My bad. Life, often unprovoked, makes a habit of kicking us all in the nuts. I think we're all pretty impressed by your conquest of the northeastern seaboard. The manner in which you refused to lose. Here's your ticket. Hear the drummer get wicked. Didn't mean to beat a dead horse, sorry, beast. Maybe you should drink beer. There's no way God wants you not to get awesome. Double negs, ba leeve it.

  3. "Maryland basketball" Anyone notice that they had by far the worst graduation rate of any team in the tournament this year?*

    *Don't take this as me saying the Terps aren't awesome. After all, my team didn't even qualify for a ranking in this evaluation.

  4. How is it possible that I have Florida-BYU on four channels and Robert Morris-Villanova on none?

  5. How is it possible that a smart guy like Head doesn't know those graduation rates are TOTAL bullshit. If a dude transfers he counts as not graduating, even if he graduates. If a dude finishes up in summer school he counts as not graduating. Goes early to the NBA? Not graduated. Dies? Not graduated. That's like saying "Scar Shoulders has a 0% rate at creating his own blogs on blogger whereas Ball Deep has a 100% rate due to SOP". I don't NEED my own blog, I got THE MUTHA FUCKIN DEN!

  6. ps Hows the NIT working out for VT? Bitch.
    pps Michael and Marcus Vick.

  7. You're a little catty there, SS. What's with the rage? You don't even have to work tomorrow. All you have to do is smoke meat and check your email.

  8. Not catty. Jackal. I got my bark back. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrrrrr ARF ARF!!!

  9. says the guy who took St. Patrick's Day off and has a sore liver...

  10. SHOTE SLEEVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
