Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jackal Trap: Longwood University

What in the sam hill is going on around here? Can someone tell a jackal why this game is scheduled the third week of the year? One thing I'll say about the Lancers is a 90% job placement rate is damn good and the dude to chick ratio is 31% to 69%(yes, it's 69% percent female, cue "cha-ching" sound effect and "hey now" from Howard Stern) I'm just wondering why the Jackals of Terps Basketball have to play these fools now, when we should have our eyes on the ACC prize. Anyone? Head, you're good at typing a lot of things and forcing my intellect to surrender. Do you want to talk me out of asking this question?


  1. I honestly don't know. VT is playing a random out-of-conference crappy game (UNC Greensboro) this week as well. I don't know if some of the ACC teams just decided to give each other a breather this week or what.

  2. They all do this right around this time. I think it may have something to do with classes starting back up. Terps only won by 51, Boogerdamus might have been asleep at the wheel on the upset alert...

  3. TO, I see no mention of the word 'upset' in my post. Ol' BMR was just asking why the out of conference trap game? Boogerdamus seeks the aid of Photoshop when he's gettin' his predict on.

  4. Well I think when someone says "trap game" it implies the potential for upset.

    Example 1: The Chargers fell victim to a trap game when they overlooked the Jets last week.

    Example 2: The Colts did not fall victim to a trap game when they played the Ravens last week.

  5. Those are playoff games. Conference bball just started. Your boy Boogers just wanted an explanation. Head could not provide one, therefore it does not exist. Ba leeve it. Who am I? Voicemail? Seriously, your boy Mosley was jammin' last night. But he was playing Longwood. Show me something in-conference, Mose
