There has been a great disturbance in the jackal force. BD2 is MIA behind clone lines. Is it possible the jackal gods were upset he attempted to erect an adjacent temple of jackaldom, known as the 'Straight Outta Plompton' blog, and struck him from the blogosphere entirely? Surely Mrs. BD2 will follow Mrs. SS lead and purchase a web-browsing-enabled cell phone. I miss you, BD2. I miss your musk.
I think it's highly possible, no probable, he has been fully cloned. We ignored the warning sign that was SOP The Blog and failed to organize a militia to free him from the frosty grip of clonedom. He most likely is attending the Australian Open or headed on a road trip to go to the Grammys or something equally as lame. RIP BD2, R I P . . .
ReplyDeleteThe reason for my heightened level of concern is BD2 hasn't gone this long without blogging since the Den was only ten or twenty posts old. I fear that when he does return, his own blog won't recognize him. Has anyone logged on to SOP to see if there's activity? I can't, my uh, ... my employer blocked it. Yeah, that's the ticket... my employer blocked it.
ReplyDeleteRelax fellas, take your shirts off. BD2 spent this morning emailing me. And, chastened, I'm sure, by this Den post, he posted on SOP shortly after this post went up...
ReplyDeleteHead, that's good recon, my man. I was chastened by your choice of vocabulary, so I looked up the definition of 'chastened' and I still don't know what it means. I take it BD2 will be back to the Den sooner than later?
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell were you two emailing about? Please say baby porn planning, please say baby porn planning, please say baby porn planning...
ReplyDeleteHe DID say, "One of these days we will have to get Linus and Lucy together for a playdate," which I took to mean exactly what you think it means.
ReplyDeleteExact quote:
ReplyDelete"On a lighter note, I really hope you all are doing well. One of these days we will have to get 'lil Head and Jackie together for a playdate (supervised of course...don't get any ideas Head.) Now we just need SS and Mrs. SS to have a Charlie Brown or at least a dog named Snoopy and we're covered."
I photoshop your smiling mug on the movie poster of a never-heard-of Chuck Norris film franchise and all you can comment on is this BS Linus and Lucy love scandal? Since you only get more heated, SS and Head only get more laughter. Since I've been mum, the BMR vs. Papa SS joke has gotten like half as funny.