Friday, January 15, 2010 keepin' it Jackal

Nuggets put me up on this a long time ago. From time to time I go back to laugh at the misery of others to make myself feel better about myself. Here are a few highlights in case you have been out of touch


  1. I do not even want to know what's going on with that woman's ass crack...

  2. I want to know if that weightlifter knocked his fucking teeth out. That one hurts to watch.

  3. It's flies right? Jesus that's awesome.

  4. SS is right they are flies and the weightlifting one is my favorite by far.

  5. Thank you for choosing to post them in the Den, rather than hoard them all to yourself in an adjacent blog like the indigenous Plomptonese of Northern New Jersey.

  6. Yeah, I thought they were flies, but I was also trying to tell myself that they were something else that she might have sat in, because the implications of flies gathering in her ass crack were pretty gross.

  7. I cannot wait to photoshop those flies onto a future hottie of the week. I'm just saying...
