Friday, August 14, 2009

"Long Pork" Cutz

Alright, you are trapped in an elevator with 2 other scrimps. You have been trapped for 5 hours. It is getting toward lunchtime, and you are hungry. You meet eyes with the only other man in the elevator, and make a motion towards the plump chick crying in the corner.

What part do you eat first? Personally, I think the biceps/triceps area would taste delicious, maybe like wings, if you could cook them, but chewy and satisfying if you had to eat it raw. List your choice cuts.

Also, the video above balances my hatred of Chris Matthews anti-american bashing by bashing the GOP, I guess. I just like to see people shoot elephants.


  1. If you have the appropriae brining ingredients you gotta chop that ass off, smoke it for 12 hours, and make some pulled porker BBQ! Raw I think you go straight for the brains...

  2. Speaking of smoking, could you imagine smoking that elephant? That joint would take like 3 weeks to smoke, plus probably 7 guys working in shifts. I bet endangered species smoked would taste delicious though.

  3. Of course endangered species tasste delicious, why else would they be endangered?
