Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy BDay BD2

Can you imagine what would happen if the two dudes from Rhumbar and these guys hooked up for a dance off? Jesus the world might not be able to take it.

Happy Birthday Homey!!!


  1. JOTD, fo sho'! HHHHHOOOOOOOWWWWWLLLLLL at a jackal!

  2. Good God, do-rag brothers, push ups, tattered t-shirt, a wrapped knee and KISS t-shirt? They really need to create a 'Best of YouTube', this one is up there. A good find indeed, SS. Sorry for the lack of comic strip, but my Interwebs took a shit on me last night. There's some good stuff in those Picassa web albums, though.

  3. Of course we got some good pics, we started drinking at 10am and stayed up until 2am...

  4. so awesome I feel nauses. KEEP FUCKING THAT CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!

  5. holy shit I just realized the knee brace dude is wearing cycling shoes....i can't believe how awesome this is....
