Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Breaking News: College Shooter not associated with VT

A man who shoot up a community college in Northern Virgina surprisingly did not have any connections to Virginia Tech. The non-VT shooter did not even plan to transfer to Virginia Tech or had any family ties to the school.

There are reports that he was spotted at a bar that was showing the VT game, making some sense out of this senseless act.

p.s. Boogers why the fuck you post a picture of fat nerd computer kid?


  1. I have no clue what the picture has to do with anything, but well played.

    Gross low brow comment:

    "How'd you like to be that saddle." hehehe

  2. Gross low brow comment(pat deux):
    "I'll put the biscut in her basket"

    Here is the thing. I heard, and this could be purely speculation, that dude was seen wearing a VT hat last week...

  3. i think to be national news you actually have to kill people, school shootings are sooo passe now.
