Friday, November 13, 2009

The World We Live In

I'm just going to assume that all these people overcame their urges to sleep with their sister/step dad after their mom died/cousin. More fun with Google Suggest here and here. Mancation II begins tonight (for the dedicated) motherfuckers!!


  1. This world is pretty fucked.

    All the more reason to get absolutely shithammered this weekend.

  2. the best part about that google search page is that the Sesame Street Characters are at the top. Makes it so much creepier.

  3. It is creepy, real creepy, almost as creepy as waking up at 4 in the morning to a dude standing in the doorway to your bedroom going "merrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" staring off into space like the freaking blair witch while you and your wife are sleeping...
