Since no one else appears to be on the Den, I decided to continue my selfish posting trend over the past few days and brag about SS's and BD2's pending Vegas trip. Unlike the now gay clone Clonelle, SS and I will report the events of our Vegas trip post haste. You ever seen Cirque de Soleil.....on weeeed? In 3 days yours truly and SS will be getting awesome in Vegas. Please baleeeevee meh.
Psst. You guys are taking your wives! Good luck keeping it jackal when your little ladies make you go here or here. Oh yeah, the wife already dragged both of you to that second one. Maybe you'll actually jackal it up and go here, but let's get serious, that shit ain' gawn happen. Hickory dickory dock. Oh!
ReplyDeleteCirque de Soleil doesn't need weed...it's so fucking good I won't even try to describe it.
ReplyDelete#1 Vegas tip: save some gambling money and go to a liquour store and load up for pre party at the room. Walk out double fisting and live it up!
(you don't want to pay $9 for a beer at the bar)
sound advice Tico. Good looking out. Looks like the bars are crazy expensive.
ReplyDeleteBMR, you're right. I am sure we won't have any fun at all (sarcasm). It's fucking Vegas not Times Square. It is impossible not to get awesome. Updates to follow. In case the other weekend at camp SS or my wedding was not evidence enough...our Jackaleeses are down for the cause.
Shit is going to be live.
BD2, all in jest. It's quite clear I'm jealous and trying to knock a jackal down a few pegs. P.S. it looks like you could use a hand with the photoshopping. You gave SS a bald head that's too big for his body and his face/ears are all types of pixelated. Were you photoshopping in haste?
ReplyDeleteI think what BD2 was trying to captured in that picture is how totally fucked up we are going to be in Vegas. We're gonna be so Anubis damn awesome our heads won't even fit on our fucking bodies. We'll be like Head is every day, but us!
Work blows my balls and I'm going to have to do goal setting on the plane which means I'm taking my laptop which means.... 430am on tilt 15 scotch deep post bar post club pre breakfast BD2 and SS live Vegas posting!
All my real live Jackals get ya hands up!
ReplyDeleteno feelins caught. I know the photoshop is weak, but that was sort of the point. Haste indeed good sir.
48 hrs to awesome getting...woo hoo!!
SS -
Fuck to the yeah! Twitter that bitch (not serious Twitter is GAF)