Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sittin' on the Toilet

Something random to distract Ravens and Redskins fans from their losses in big games that they really should have won:

Note: I'm not sure if this is really funny or the worst thing ever.


  1. What is with you and finding crazy ebonics youtubes that stick in your head??

    Example A

    "Moafucka hit ma peena!"

    Example B

    "Sittin' ona twalah....sittin' ona twalah!"

  2. I dunno man. Pretty bizarre stuff. Glad you liked it though. If you go to the YouTube page for it, you'll see a whole lot of imitation videos along the side - I don't know who these people are, but they really need to get out a little more.

  3. Can I check offf the really funny column? Now flush!
