Monday, November 2, 2009

Jackal in Hiding: Scar Shoulders

That victory was impressive enough for Gaybriel Clonelle to come out of summer hibernation and demand a bottle of scotch. It's hard to believe this Eagles team lost to the Oakland Raiders two weeks ago. Eli Manning is a hair more intimidating than this kitten:

His stats through their last three losses

6@NOL 48-27143117845.2

7ARIL 24-17193724351.4621347.51-1-1.00
8@PHIL 40-17203922251.3351255.733411.30

Joe Flacco through a 3 game skid:

4@NEL 27-21274726457.4222178.7122.00
5CINL 17-14223118671.0481270.1199.00
6@MINL 33-31284338565.16320109.2000.00

Hey, Giants, did you have fun beating up the fat retarded kids of the NFL? I hope so. Welcome to the 2009 season, bitches.


  1. The Giants sucked yesterday. How many wins do the Ravens have? Scoreboard homey, scoreboard.

  2. The object of this post was a QB comparison. Click the links, unless you're yella' like the Pils you love so much. Shhhh, rest your eyes, SS, you're getting verrry sleepy. Shhhh.

  3. Awwww, Scaw Showldas' team gets a fwee pass when they don't pway well. That's nice and all, but it doesn't bloody likely cut it when two of your three losses were double-digit ass handings, one of which was a divisional opponent. NYG-3 losses by a combined 41 points, BAL-3 losses by a combined 11. That's a pretty awesome look at the scoreboard. And the team my team dropped 30 on yesterday was the AFC's best defense, 10 points allowed in the 2nd half of 6 games played this season. Yesterday, Dirty Birds got 14 in the 4th quarter. I know I'm a fan of the right team, because God told Ray Lewis this was going to happen.

  4. Opponent W/L:
    Giants: 22-26, .458
    Ravens: 26-17, .604

    Just sayin'. Here's to an all-Jackals Super Bowl, a rematch of SB XXXV, if you will.

  5. Well of course the Giants opponents have a losing record, the Giants opponents have played the Giants who have won five games this year as opposed to the Ravens who have won 4.

    You know how I know Boogers McRib sweats the Giants? You know how I know Ball Deep sweats the Giants? Every Monday Boogers McRib and Ball Deep post about the Giants. They can't stop won't stop thinking about the Giants. They can't stop won't stop hating on the Giants. They can't get the Giants outta their head. Back up offa me stalkers and do you.

  6. Just wondering when you'll admit Eli looks pathetic, especially when playing pathetic football. Do they or don't they have the same amount of losses? Does one have a smaller point differential in their losing efforts? Does one quarterback display a greater deal of proficiency in the face of defeat? They're just questions, SS, I'm just asking...

  7. When you calculate Team A's opponents' winning percentage, you generally remove the games those opponents played against Team A. Which I did.

    The Giants' opponents' record is worse because they played Washington, Tampa Bay, Kansas City, and Oakland (combined record: 5-24) in a 5 game stretch. Meanwhile, the Ravens' last four games have been against New England, Cincinnati, Minnesota, and Denver (combined record: 23-6). It's not getting a lot easier, either, as three of their next four games are against Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and Pittsburgh. The Giants' schedule looks like it's going to be a bitch going forward, too, though the Vikings may not play their starters the last week of the season.

  8. SS' post does ask a legitimate question, though: Why post about the Giants when your team just pounded one of the last undefeated teams in the NFL?

  9. QB comparison, Head. Proving a jackal's point. Just trying to knock ol' Shoulders down a few pegs. He was mighty high on his horse for a hot second. I find Eli Manning laughable in the role of "leader" on offense. Not sure how, if at all, I could be clearer. This is not a "my team/your team" thing. I, and other Jackals Denners were given false truths about SS's G-Men and I am awaiting the acknowledgement of said fallacies.

    - BMR out

  10. there is a trace of "my team/your team" at work in my comments...

  11. Boogers McRib "Giants giants giants. Eli Manning. giants giants giants. Eli Manning Super Bowl MVP of the New York Giants."

    Scar Shoulders "lets get awesome. awesome awesome awesome. Terps. awesome."

    Conclusions: Boogers McRib has a crush on the Giants and Eli Manning. Scar Shoulders has a crush on getting awesome and the Terps.

    As for QB comparison, regular season games, especially those before Thanksgiving don't mean dick. You impressed by Flacco? Until he completes a pass in a playoff game (a feat he was unable to perform last year) he's straight bitch juice just like Tony Romo. If you like bitch juice, by al means, pour yourself a tall glass...

  12. how did I get dragged into this?? I have to deal with dumbass giants fans all day long that is why I vent in the Den about their GAF'ness...This den is my save haven from all the gay clones up here. There are very few jackals who don't relish kicking a jackal when he is down. It is our nature. I think BMR simply enjoys sticking it to someone who enjoys sticking it to others. As do I, and obviously as do SS and Head...

    PS the Giants suck

  13. Is it me, or is Scar Shoulders aglutton for punishment? #5 vs. #11, take your pick. Actually, SS, regular season games mean a great deal in the AFC North, where there's three teams that would own the NFC Least on any given Sunday. When your division is a total sham, and "three teams are making the playoffs" every September and October, until they completely shit their respective beds and the 10-6 team that's left gets the bid, while the Wild Carder fights off Tampa Bay or San Francisco, EVERY year. Are sure you don't have any stats to back up your squawk or you're cool with the school yard shit-talking...?

  14. Your division has the Browns and the Bengals in it. Good point.

    ps Creel, "save haven"? What the fuck is that? Does if have anything to do with Mariano Rivera? dumbassssss

  15. fucknuts, my bad for the above fish basket reference...

  16. fuck chew manh. I speak like Tony Montana now.
