Friday, October 9, 2009

More Broadcaster freak outs

Being a douche on the news must be a tough gig because these fools lose their shit on the regular...

This has nothing to do with news broadcasts, but Jim Mora is one Jackal mother fucker.  I wish he would coach the Skins.  Not so they could win, but for the phenomenal after game speeches:

Oh wait, I think I know why they lose it now:


  1. HOLY SHIT! Did you see the 80s bitch in the yellow jacket? They blew her the fuck up, then ran a dirtbike over her! hahahaha. Take that 80's bitches! Now get a fuckin haircut!

  2. I know so great. My favorite is John Stossel getting bitch slapped by the 'roided out wrestler. I think the grape lady REALLY hurt herself. I think that one was imitated on The Family Guy. I don't watch cartoons but Head or Boogers could probably fill you in on that.
    "WE'll DO IT LIVE...FUCK IT!"

  3. Way too much time on your hands.. but good research. Hahaha.
