This is the worst hour of ESPN's dreadful 24-hour lineup. I do like PTI and Around the Horn, because they at least take stands on sports stories. Fuck an entire hour turned over to sports bloggers and fanatical followers willing to bicker and refresh, bicker and refresh. It's like ESPN said, "Why write a terrible sports talk show, when we can let the viewers do it, they only want to see reported what they think anyway." NFL Live, Mark Schlereth is taking the Steelers? Shocker. Trey Wingo thinks, hold on, no one gives a fuck what Trey Wingo thinks. Mike and Dike in the Morning, I'd rather fall asleep next to Lorena Bobbitt. SportsNation, you're getting put to sleep. We're gonna get the Jackals Den a camera crew, rent the studio space next door and then stomp your fuckin' ass like whoa. Go asleep!
But look how cool that dude is. He has jeans on AND he doesn't have his shirt tucked in!!!! It feels like such a good time...