Friday, June 26, 2009


Who the fuck are these guys?

This is who they gave up their 1st round for? I am not going to pretend I understand or care about the NBA Draft, but if you were one of the worst teams in the league, wouldn' t you want to get some players that, I don't know, didn't get traded around the league for the past 9 years averaging 9 pts a game??


  1. Mike Miller can be a beast. He's a 6'8" shooting guard who can create his own shot and sink 3's. I'm excited about having him as part of the team. I don't know much about Rand Foye, probably because he has been on the Wolves his whole career. He is still pretty young at 25 so he might have some potential.
    And who did we lose? Songalia, Etan, and Pecherov? Those guys were all scrubs and they won't be missed. The #5 pick was a toss up anyways. No one really stood out, just a gamble could who make it at the pro level.
    I would like to get a big man since we have like 10 guards and only 3 big men. Hopefully we'll make another trade.
    Either way, I like the trade...

  2. ok that makes sense actually, like I said I don't know shit about it, but it seemed strange. But that is good news and those other guys were bums. I heard it was a relatively weak draft so I can see what you are saying.

  3. Tho, when I remember Mike Miller he had a buzzed head and he didn't look like a woman...
    But then again, it works for Head, and it doesn't seem to affect his bball skills.

  4. Whoa, BD, you're pretty quick to retreat there. The NBA sucks ass. What do you guys want? Meet Cleveland in the first round and lose four straight? It's a decent trade. By decent, I mean break the fuck even. Only bball to watch in DC will be the Tizzerps! I'll be watching hockey when the Wizards start playing.

  5. yeah don't care enough to argue and The Wiz clearly would know the most about his namesake so figured it wasn't worth it.
