Jesus titty fucking Christ man.
Here in DC we joke about how inept Metro and the operators of Metro are but we never thought the system was this fucked up...
When I used to ride the train to work every day I was shocked at how easy it would be for a terrorist, and it wouldn't need to be a suicide bomber, to just bring on a bomb in a backpack and detonate it when the train is up in the air headed into DC derailing it and killing a shit ton of people... I never really expected two trains to just slam into each other because some dumbass was asleep at the wheel and the computer system doesn't work. It's always the working class that gets fucked in an epic fail like this. It's senseless and retarded. Thank God this wasn't at NewYork Ave or another elevated station where this could've been really bad.
I hope everyone is alright and everyones friends and family are alright. Pour one out for the victims of this epic fail and their families.
Much love,
Somedays I take the L to gel with the real world - Common
yeah this is awful. I was tough to even read the story. It was really graphic. I feel for the families involved. Glad all my Jackals are OK