As many of you know last weekend was the Glenelg High School 10 year high school reunion. None of the skrimps on this email chain that actually attended Glenelg (outside of yours truly) attended the reunion but D4ve "I got white Jerrys on my mind 24/7" 5c0rdat0 and Ev1n "Long Island Expressway" G0551n were nice enough to have me drive them to Bmore and Jackal it up with me.
Things were pretty standard at the bar as all you can drink was enjoyed and additional bar tabs were opened. The ride home however was greeted with an immediate passing out by L.I.E. and a determination that we had to drive him to his house and not the metro as planned.
Exhibit A shows White Jerry smacking the ish out of him trying to wake him up as we approached his home asking him where he lived.
Exhibit B shows him attempting to make up with the man assaulting him by cuddling as if it was Alex at Creels bachelor party. Eventually we found his home and tried to kick him out of the car where he proceeded to insist over and over again that i had "his voicemail". and that I needed to "stop stealing my voicemail yo!" "gimme my voicemail its up there". upon insisting that i would get him his voicemail later he exited the car with a succinct "you guys are guys are crazy" To his credit we did in fact have his iPod in the glovebox which I guess could be considered a form of voicemail in retardville and he showed up to basketball somewhat bright eyed and bushy tailed at 11am the next morning. Puked all over the place at 1145 in the middle of game 3 but was a much better player post vomit.
I give you these pictures and this tale not solely to mock "voicemail" for his performance of supidity but to let all of you know this is exactly the type of effort we are looking for at the mancation. Go hard! Stand tall or don't stand at all! I want to see this effort from each and every one of you! Maybe more, nothing less!
Coach Lee
ps rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrricky weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best nickname ever...