Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Motherfucking TIPS on how to stay undercover

As most of you know Jackals must live an undercover life, our alter egos as good natured neighbors/workers/parents/tax paying civilians must be kept at all costs.

A lot of Gay talk has gone around the den regarding amount of skin to be displayed in posts.

I am not proposing to get us firewalled, so bikinis and good curves allowed, no naked stuff (even skittles wasn't naked it!). To avoid prying work eyes follow these guidelines:

1. Alt + Space + C: Mothefuckas not knowing this, is like mothefuckas not having a fake id in middle school...WTF? This one hand ninja move quickly closes the application and can be done while you turn around.

2. Alt + Tab: Quickly switching between applications won't only enhance your slacking productivity but give you a Superman aura that soon you'll be watching full 2hr porn movies at work.



  1. It's like you read my fucking mind that this was about to come to a head. Well played Mr Peanut. The vote still counts though... although this is a somewhat convincing argument.

  2. amazing... as long as it is not worse than skittles I am game. A face in the picture sometimes helps in explaining it as art rather than a rectal exam.

  3. also like head said make it a link that explains what it is so we have the choice to click or not. If I lose my blog access I might go postal.

  4. Way to represent two totally different positions there Ball Deep. Well done.

  5. your vote thing makes no sense. yes i want to see hot chicks, no i do not want them in my face when i open the page. add a link, no nudity problem solved...

  6. A vote for either of the "no" selections is a vote for links. He can link to hardcore transvestite beastiality and I don't see why that would be a problem. Jackals click on links at their own risk. And I think bare tits on the page is also a no go no matter what. We are voting purely on if the two posts he posted before should be allowed to continue, nothing more, nothing less.

  7. in that case reef chicks and spanish chick ok, skittles borderline, probably over the line anything more....too much
