Thursday, June 18, 2009

1001 Reasons Why NFL is better than College Football: Cheerleaders

So I understand there are some people here who really love college football. Now, I love Maryland football.  I was raised on it.  Had I actually lived in Wicomico dorm rather than getting drunk there every weekend, I would more than likely be die-hard like the rest of you Jackals with taste.  But let's be honest on the whole NFL is much better.  More fun to watch, more fun to tailgate, an actual outcome at the end that makes sense (playoffs) and interesting sideline talent.  Let's take a look at 2 of the most respected teams in the den for example MD and VT.  Versus the greatest football team in the world...the Washington Redskins.  

Exhibit A:  Maryland Cheerleaders, seriously what is wrong with the chick on the right?

Exhibit B:  VT Cheerleaders, The blond ones look OK but the black dude on top sort of ruins the mood.

Exhibit C:  VT Bitches...not cute and trying too hard.

Exhibit Jackal:  Redskinettes, issa nice.

I would say this applies to all NFL teams but unfortunately the NY Giants aren't allowed to have cheerleaders because the are GAF and they need the room on the sidelines to suck each other off.  The Eagles actually have really hot cheerleaders, but they suck balls too.  


  1. So, BD, we'll just keep an eye out for the 994 other reasons. There's nothing else going on on the blog. Shocker, NFL cheerleaders are hot. They're dumb as fuck, hot as fuck and the NFL exploits their pride for very little money and a line on the resume. Now, did you bring in outsiders to do this extensive research or was it just going to a whack as college to come away with a good degree that spurred this discussion? Yo, check out Head. Dude has a lot of information in his gray matter. If I could borrow it for like a half an hour, I would use it to seduce my intern.

  2. P.S. that bitch Christy is busted. Despite the imperfections her body does not have...

  3. That's some fuzzy math you got working there but we were never math masters. Yeah actually you're right about that one chick. But I still think I got a point.

  4. PPPPS - I tend to think that Loyola and St Peters on the same level as far as "whack as colleges" are concerned.

  5. Yeah. Both you ninjas wouldn't know D1 football if it kicked you in the mouf.

    I'll give you props on the level of play, as well as the playoffs, and the cheerleaders if you like, but the tailgating? Epic fail. Sure a Redskins tailgate is MAYBE equal to a MD tailgate. But in the dirty south those ninjas tailgate for 3 or 4 DAYS for big college football games. Can't beat that son...

  6. I must admit, I hesitated on the tailgating comment. I have little experience with the getting awesome at college football games. I can imagine it is just as good or possibly better than NFL games. Either way my point stands. Dem chicks be fugly.

  7. I kind of feel like your sample is messed up. Perhaps a tour of the SEC would make you feel more comfortable. Plus in college they are forced to be less hussy, you may be getting fooled by the uniforms (which are warmp up suits for 75% of the NFL season).

  8. i would be happy to view your counter arguement, as I am sure TICOs horny ass would as well
