Wednesday, March 31, 2010

GCOTD: Women's Basketball

Ever read a bullshit article that states that women's basketball is more entertaining than the men's game? That some womens team is better than some mens team? That some dbag coach deserves more credit? (Side note: Dudes that coach women's sports are creepy. It's 2010. There are thousands of former women's sports stars that should have those jobs, not skeezy old dudes.) Some bullshit argument about fundamentals?

Go the fuck to sleep. Watch the video and go to sleep. No offense, but BD2 can make that shot. Even with the game on the line. And certainly the second one. Jesus titty fucking Christ that's the funniest thing I have ever seen.

I can't stop watching it and laughing. Women's bball sucks.


JOTD: President Obama

Smart man, Mr. President. You can see that we are addicted to oil and that isn't going away. You agree to give us methadone (offshore drilling) to ease the withdrawl symptoms while you prepare to come flying in with some badass, legitimate, sweeping legislation that will allow US citizens to have transportation/energy that is green, efficient and awesome. Also, after your extreme left health care legislation (personally a tough pill to swallow, but I know it will be the right move.) a move to the center is well advised and timely. Although the ignorants on both sides of the aisle will say differently.

35mpg Biodiesel Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 4x4 with 6 inch lift dibs.

Small Brain + Small Penis + Too Much $$ = These clones

these scrimps need to be eatin' some butt meat too, huh Boog?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jackal vs GAF: Jackal wins every time

The Black Keys vs. The Jonas Brothers Black decide

GAF x 1,000,000,000,000:

Jackal as fuck:

Arguements from the clones among us? Duke any thoughts? KOTJ? Droppa Deuce? Clonelle? Pontius?

Any comment from the potentially former Jackals quickly losing ground? Crazy Pat? tico? CQQ99? Voicemail? Scar Shoulders*? babyface*?

*based on past performance attendance is down...

That's what I thought. Silence. Hang in there Boog and Head. The Den shall rise again.

GCOTD: Texiera

This is what happens Larry...when you fuck...a the ass Larry......this is what happens.....this is what happens...this is what happens....when you fuck...a the ass Larry.

The only version I could find on shitty ass you tube plagued by assholes

this is sort of funny actually even if it is viral marketing

Rusty Teez Nutz

Yo, Rusty T. We missed you in the woods last weekend. Although, I probably would have been kindling if you had been there.

In other news, I thought you'd appreciate what Head's boy Paul Krugman pointed out about the kielbasa you and the rest of America had to choke down last week. In case you don't want to click the link and get yo knowledge on, here's a key to help decipher this here graph:

JGTRRA - Bush Tax Cut #1(fuck you, middle class)
EGTRRA - Bush Tax Cut #2(fuck you, middle class a.k.a. Jackal's Den, OBD, SS's grandjackal, etc.)
Iraq - Iraq War
PPACA - Obama Healthcare reform

Tax cuts sound really great when it's time to vote, but they're not good for surpluses.

JOTD: Thomas Hudnall

This type of jackal behavior is hard to recommend to any of you, but that does not make it any less jackal. It's poorly executed and not really thought through(dude called from his work desk telephone), but let's face it, working Friday or Tuesday or any day, is for sucks. KFTC, Hudnall. KFTC.

Monday, March 29, 2010

WTF?: Crazy Rednecks

Well, if we thought our hands were full with Al-Qaeda, we might want to get a hold of these dumb rednecks as soon as we can. I saw some people on the Capitol lawn last weekend who looked very capable and motivated to do something this stupid. It's like my man Kweli say, "That's like saying 'only gays get AIDS'...just the beginning, first inning, the battle for America's soul and the devil's winning."

Don't sleep.

This is what it means to be a TERP!

I just checked my email.  If Duke wins the national title I win $2800. If they lose in the championship game I win $1200. I'll be rooting for the cheaters from WVU come Saturday. As always, FUCK DUKE!

Friday, March 26, 2010

JOTD: BBC reporter guy

I don't care where he is from, fucking with scientologists is some funny shit.


whoever made the blue screen notes is a freaking moron...but this is well worth a watch.

KFTC: Shittsburgh, Pennsyltucky

Top 10 U.S. Cities Most Polluted by Short-Term Particle Pollution:
1) Pittsburgh, Pa.
2) Los Angeles/Long Beach/Riverside, Calif.
3) Fresno/Madera, Calif.
4) Bakersfield, Calif.
5) Birmingham, Ala.
6) Logan, Utah
7) Salt Lake City, Utah
8) Sacramento, Calif.
9) Detroit, Mich.
10) Baltimore, Md./Washington, D.C./Northern Virginia.
Top 10 U.S. Cities Most Polluted by Year-Round Particle Pollution:
1) Los Angeles/Long Beach/Riverside, Calif.
2) Pittsburgh, Pa.
3) Bakersfield, Calif.
4) Birmingham, Ala.
5) Visalia/Porterville, Calif.
6) Atlanta, Ga.
7) Cincinnati, Ohio
8) Fresno/Madera, Calif.
9) Hanford/Corcoran, Calif.
10) Detroit, Mich.

Friday Hottie: Interactive Skanks

fuckin' skanks.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Know What Sucks?: Jury Duty

Your boy BMR would like to introduce a new segment to the Den. It's called 'Know What Sucks?' Today's 'Know What Sucks?' is brought to you by the District of Columbia and BMR's place of beezwax. I'm pretty sure jury duty sucks under any circumstance. The Man was telling BMR he had to use his vacation time to go decide whether or not to imprison a ninja. This myth has since been dispelled, but jury duty is still likely to suck ass. So, DC, you think you want to try and clone me? Not bloody likely.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

GCOTD Vol. 2: Sadney Crysby

Are you ready for some fucking 3rd period? Can the Caps borrow your boys' anthem, SS?

GCOTD: Sadney Crysby

In case you missed this on Monday night, another example of what a shitty sportsman Sadney really is. Keep in mind, the Shittsburgh Penisguins are down by two goals, get a good look at Sadney's cross-checking clinic on the 1st star of the game, Henrik Zetterberg. A real live jackal, Jimmy Howard, decided he had seen plenty.

We hate Shittsburgh here in DC/MD, but the hockey rivalry may belong to Detroit. Which is kind of fitting, because those two cities really suck ass...

...lest we forget.

Someone with a bit more time than BMR put one of these together. Awesome song.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Jackal of the Day: Me

NJ, I own you. Give me traffic, flooding, rain, stupid people, shitheads with bad haircuts, soccer moms on cell phones,  Jersey Shore TV shows, pollution, toxic air, toxic water, and the list goes on but you will not take my jackalness! Respect thy gangsta at all times and at all costs! Feel my fury!!!!





PS fuck you Google Blogger piece of crap website thingy for wasting a half hour of my life not letting me load my hilarious video, which makes this post make no sense.. Great work....fags

Thank you Head and SS for pointing this out to me...fags

Awesome shit: Minor league hockey brawl

The finer points of this newly discovered sport for BDtwice...

(check out the incidental jacking of the ref)

if you care the story behind the punching

This one is much better:

UNF This Fool: Rush Limbaugh

ElRushbo@eibnet.comThat's the douchebag's email address right there. Me and T-Large already hit him up. Do the same. This fat sack of hot air said he'd leave the country if we passed the bill. So go. Fatass. How did he come up with such a witty and effective slogan to re-establish his broke ass political party? Who are the front runners right now for the next election? Romney? Palin? Steele? They are all punch lines. Limbaugh, your a douche. Get out.

Funny shit...this Hipster blog guy

I listen to this guy's special on Sirius XMU (indie rock station) every Monday where he keeps me up to date with what is cool so I fit in with others and stay hip and I find him hilarious as fuck. Especially this observation about energy drinks.

Hilarious as fuck

Not a Democratic thing, not a Republican thing...a good thing.

Republican Reaction:
"Wait a dagone minute, the goberment is trying ta do stuff...fuck that!"
"McCain, who is in a tough Republican primary fight in his home state, said the GOP "will challenge it every place we can," and said there will be reprisals at the polls, in Congress and in the courts."

Um, yeah you a dumb as fuck..
Democratic Reaction:


Um, yeah you a dumb as fuck too..

Ball DEEP's Reaction:
Fuck all this she said she said noise about Dems and Rebs. We are fucking American like it or not and the rest of that shit is noise. I know people personally in my own family and friends that will directly benefit from this legislation. Like it or not it is a good thing in the long run. I too hate big government, but look at the state of this country...seriously something has to give. This is going to be a good thing and hopefully we will see more now that Obama (although he sucks at BB pools and says "um" a lot) will be legitmized and get even more shit done.

Don't tread on me...that is fine but don't expect a god damn thing in return. Unemployment, disability, education, roads, books, military, etc...etc.

Tax me? That's fine but make it worthwhile and BD2 and the rest of the country will be just fine.

Hey, Rusty T...

open wide! It looks like Obamacare is a reality. Your boy BMR snapped these photos himself. Don't sleep. They did a bunch of crying and whined like stuck up bitches, but in the end protesting didn't work.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Spartan blood shall stain the quiet streets of Spokane Washington tonight and General Greivis shall be unleashed. We will be cruel to the Spartans, and through our cruelty they will know who we are. And they will find the evidence of our cruelty in the disemboweled, dismembered, and disfigured bodies of their brothers we leave behind us. And Northern Iowa will not be able to help themselves but to imagine the cruelty their brothers endured at our hands, and our boot heels, and the edge of our knives. And Izzo will be sickened by us, and Greg Anthony will talk about us, and Seth Davis will fear us. And when the defeated Spartans close their eyes at night and they're tortured by their subconscious for the evil they have done, it will be with thoughts of us they are tortured with.


ps "Stop calling me KOTJ. Fuck KOTJ. KOTJ is too good for meat... KOTJ is too good for vagina... cause he's gay" drunk BabyFace after his mutton chops were repeatedly called KOTJs by BMR Friday night. Almost made me pee my pants.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Is this what it feels like to marry a stripper?


Bracket decimated but hot damn this is good TV


Nova (almost) , G'town, Marquette (on its way), UNLV, Notre Dame, Vandy, you be testing this Jackal and I don't like to be tested.

Do Your Thing, NJ: Race Relations

We're on pace to make this a daily jackalism. I'm sure I could pull it off if I actually lived in New Jersey. KFTC.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What's the Craic?

Happy St. Patrick's ya cunts! Slainte'... God love ya.

Stay getting awesome my jackals. Cradle to the grave...respect dat shit... to all my real live jackals! Do not Sleep on my jackals!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rain sucks almost as much as snow....Almost

It finally stopped raining today.  In fact it was fucking beautiful.  Got out for a ride on my bike as any jackal with their own sister site would and it was fanfuckingtastic.  But the weekend, holy geez did it suck eggs.  This is not a river but a road.This is normally where I mountain bike comfortably dry. not so much on this day
This is normally a small creek, that house on the left was eventually added to the toxic soup
I found one good way to get around the rainy day blues Sunday and it involved a mountain bike and 5-6 inches of solid mud (toxic NJ mud) to ride around in and then a proper cleaning of said bike by driving through the a bunch of roads that were underwater (toxic NJ water) in my (toxic NJ) town.  There is a Bruce Springsteen song in there somewhere... 
What was not cool was the 4 hours worth of commuting yesterday because every major road was closed due to flooding...not jackal in the least.

PS - I just farted.

PPS - That last label is just to see if Duke is still lurking around. Something tells me we haven't heard the last from that guy. I think he is pretty damn funny does that make me a clone by association?

PPPS - where the fuck is Scar Shoulders??!!?!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Boogerdamus Speak Da Troof

OBD, do you see that beautiful blueness right there? That's the only thing that keeps Earth as awesome as it is. I heard it referred to as Earth's limb, but you're conservative pals on FoxNews might be happier with the term O-Zone Layer. Every time you make fun of 'climate change' you're pretty much making it Marcellus Wallace and calling yourself Zed. But I'm trying Ringo, I'm trying REEAALLL hard to be the shepherd.


We should invest in these and count on them to supply this industry. OBD, I want to beat a dead horse and this shit is important. The CO2 getting jiggy with our planet right now is the effect of our emissions(haha...emissions) in the 1960s. We haven't stopped producing excess amounts of the compound, we've likely tripled it. I can't find the research. SPR, you're a nerd. Do you have any research on the length of time it takes carbon dioxide to affect our atmosphere? Or how about a graph detailing the disparity between 1960s greenhouse gas emissions and those of current day?

P.S. your boy BMR posed his thesis to the stiffs at Columbia University. I think they might get themselves posted in the Den.

Happy Pi Day, SPR

Happy Pi Day to all you guys who spent your Saturday night blogging or spent four years at Duke (Gay Clone) University or have ever worn a Star Wars costume while waiting in line to see a Star Wars movie.

If you're not completely weirded out yet, click this link to change all of that.

This guy recites pi at 5:45 of this clip.

Let's go Georgia Tech!

Another Selection Sunday...

...Another year with VT right on the bubble. Lunardi has us second-to-last in. Yahoo has us as the last team out. Bracketology 101 says "Two of the following three teams will not make it: Virginia Tech, Illinois, and Florida. If Mississippi State wins, they all might be out." Come on Selection Committee, you know you want us...

Stephen Seagal: Fat and old...still completely fucking insane

Nuggets put me up on this show. Fucking hilarious

Save a seed, save your life

Most people who even bother to plant seeds (vegetable and fruits) currently don't think about the type they are planting. Most seeds you buy at HD and Lowes and other places are genetically modified seeds, designed to yield an easier to grow, more productive product.

The problem with that is, if you try to save the seeds from the object you planted, and replant - you will end up with a mutation, and as a result a dependency on seed companies (not a bad thing on their part) for new seed, instead of how nature tends to run- eat a plant/save seeds/ plant seeds/grow plant/ repeat.

Heirloom varieties are what you want. Yes, heirloom as in, being the same seeds in the same family for 100+ years. Tried and true varieties that produce and YOU can reproduce.

I have limited land, but still do container plants, and can get enough vegetables for a summer at least with limited space. Something to think about in the time of rising food costs at least.

Some resources below-


Introducing, Sam, the new Ghost Dog

Original BD's tattoo makes jokes

nuthin but love nuthin but love

PS is triumph Adam Sandler? sounds exactly like him.

here is part 2 (this shit is way funnier than Jude Law's non-straight ass on SNL)

BD # 2 new tattoo if he has the stones

Please lets get drunk sometime and let me convince you that this (above) is a great idea to get tattooed on you forever.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

How to Make Shine

If you are anything like me, you enjoy making things you could buy at the store (or are prohibited from buying) at home. It gives a certain satisfaction, and also, a sense of sticking it to the man.

I am also motivating in this post because I have had some of the sweetest mountain dew- Apple Pie Shine. Literally, it tastes like an apple pie was put in a blender, liquified, and somehow alcohol was put in. Since my source is currently in the hoosegow, and I have some extra time on my hands, this is my next project.

How to make moonshine - More DIY How To Projects

Sorry, no links for the full movie, but if you like souped up old 50's cars, getting away from the revenuers, and Robert Mitchum, you will like this movie. Ball Deep, I am looking at you on this one.
Turns out this guy has more to do tonight than me.  I had tickets to the Big East Tournament Championship Game at Madison Square Garden, but Droppa Deuce is fighting to stop the flood in his basement from all of this godforsaken rain we are having so we had to let them go.  So now I get to watch it on my TV by myself...awesome.  Oh well I am sure it won't be a fun game to watch anyway.  At least the Duke show is over and the dudes can pull their pants back up.

Vitale is gay for Duke...Duke is gay

"Share some of that sweetness for me coach!" -Kyle Singler
"Scheyer's glistening balls are so hot, baby!  Awesome!" - Dick "another word for penis" Vitale

I am now changing the channel to TLC to watch something less gay than this.  

PS - "What is a blue devil, really??!" - BMR as Christopher Walken...aka some funny shit

Thursday, March 11, 2010


This is just about the last thing we (meaning Virginia Tech fans) need. If we'd lost to Wake Forest tomorrow, people would have written it off as a loss to a good tournament team. Now that we're facing Miami, if we lose (and I think Miami is a lot better than most people think), people could see it as a reason to leave us out of the NCAA tournament.I guess that means we'll just have to win.

P.S. Post title adjusted just for you, BD2. Hopefully it won't set off your Big Brother filters.

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fuckin' A: Caps Playing With Fire

Yo, what's up with the Caps not defending home ice? Relinquishing two-goal leads in two consecutive home games. I hope it's trade rust and ninjas attempt to locate some of that 'Desire' Kool Aid SS and the Terps been sippin'. Whatever it is, it fo sho ain't bitch juice. But OT with the Stars and the Hurricanes sure is. The true X-factor is a crazy Russian. His name isn't Alex and he didn't play tonight. I entertained the idea of reusing this video with different music, but then I heard how awesome the song was. Still, Theo is getting put in some tough spots.