Friday, March 26, 2010

JOTD: BBC reporter guy

I don't care where he is from, fucking with scientologists is some funny shit.


whoever made the blue screen notes is a freaking moron...but this is well worth a watch.


  1. BD2, I don't follow this post. I really like the first clip, because that guy obviously thinks if he gets loud and irrational enough, the questions will stop coming. That may work for DMX when he's late for a concert in Colorado, but scientology, pfft.

  2. he is the reporter bashing scientologists. It is hilarious. If you aren't willing to waste time watching my videos dont waste my time commenting!

  3. Yeah, I went back and watched, but the scientologist has a point. Why is the only guy backing the BBC's side of the story an 'indecent exposer'/gay prostitute?
