Thursday, September 23, 2010

Den Gon' Soff

"After a great big 'Thank You' in squirrel language."

JsOTD: SS & Myself

Self nomination time. No, we didn't take out a 5-year CD, but I dare say that we were at our ball-busting best yesterday.* It was like old times:
...It's 1998 and Head is at his house on a random weekday night. The phone rings...

[Shote Sleeves] Hey Head, can you teach me physics tonight?
[Head] Sure...

[ScarShoulders] Hey Head, what are you up to tonight?
[Head] I dunno...I think Shote Sleeves is coming over and wants me to teach him physics or something. You wanna come over?
[ScarShoulders] Sweet, sure!

...ScarShoulders is already there when ShoteSleeves arrives at Head's house...

[Shote Sleeves] Wait...what is ScarShoulders doing here? I thought you were going to teach me physics?

...30 minutes of hilarity ensues...

[Shote Sleeves] Fuck you guys, I hate you. I'm going home!

[Head/ScarShoulders] Wow, that was awesome. Want to watch some football or something?
Good Times.

*BMR, you still my Jackal - you be holding this place up almost all by your lonesome...