Thursday, November 4, 2010

Friday Hottie: Catrinel Menghia

Lynx of the Day: Honey

I'd like to think my dog is this cool.


"Hey, McRib. Thanks for basically keeping the Den entertaining for the past six months. How can we ever repay you? By the way, make sure you keep us up to date on everything that's funny, okay? I don't care if you send 'Autotune the News' videos out via Gmail, post them on the Den also. Okay? And don't recognize any truths about the dangers of alcohol, keep grazing like a sheep and don't question status quo. I'm going to claim you're a clone, even though you post high resolution photographs of spectacularly beautiful women once a week for my enjoyment. After two years of doing this, I'll still sign in improperly and comment, okay? In general, fuck you, stop making our blog great and die."

Jackal Invention: Invisibility Cloak

Way to keep your eyes on the prize, Scottish scientists. My main ninjas at Nanocomp Technologies got bullet-proof on lock down, so now we just need to perfect the jet pack and we'll be straight.

Greetings, Head - Your Friends at Autotune the News

Welcome out from under the rock, dear friend. These puberty-stricken bastards and one hot chick are on to something.

By far, the funniest one right here:

Youtube Awesomeness

These are for you, Ball DEEP, my hormone-afflicted Jackal. First, in memory of Proposition 19, which failed to legalize marijuana in California on Tuesday...

Finally, how is it possible that it's been more than three months since this happened and I still hadn't heard of Antoine Dodson until last weekend? (In case you're wondering why you're watching a news story, it will become clear at oh, about the one-minute mark.)