Thursday, June 24, 2010


You VUVUZELA master, you don't drink, you don't smoke, you VUVUzela the SHIT out of your plastic pipe all night long...

All night long...all night...all night....ALLL NNIIIGHHHT LONG....all night long

You vuvuzela on defense and on offense, when you score and when you miss, when you eat and when you piss...

oh you vuvuzuela master EAT some pussy or SUCK some DICK, whatever you do JUST STOP BLOWING AIR THROUGH YOUR PLASTIC AIR PIPE


p.s. Yes those are bacon bras...yes indeed

KFTC: Starbuck's-Drinking Intern

Internships are basically really long job applications, right? Aren't y'all full-time, broke ass students and shit? Why is my intern rolling in daily with a Starbuck's coffee? Is Starbuck's the most socially acceptable addiction for people that can't possibly afford it? KFTC, Starbuck's-Driniking Intern. You're not nearly as hot as Kyle's intern, otherwise I wouldn't be so judgmental.