Monday, August 24, 2009

Droppa Deuce: Droppin' Knowledge on the Depths of Evil of NJ

This is the lamest thing I have ever seen.  I can't figure out if it is claymation or real people.  If you can make it past 23 seconds of this you are the gayest fucking person that ever lived.
email from DD:
At what point does something like this go from shockingly bad- to unintentional art?


Droppa Deuce

PS- see if you can catch this little nugget: "I'm gonna make you come tonight (over to my house)."  Get it?  I know, it's subtle.

Friday (er Monday who cares) Hottie: Miss Universe

It looks like the Ukranian nominee is holding her head up because she is starving and about to pass out from lack of nourishment.

Yes I did watch Miss Universe last night (on mute).  No I am not ashamed.  This chick is way hot as were most of the rest of them.  No she can't speak English.  Yes I am OK with that.  god bless Donald Trump.  He may be a douche, but he knows talent.