Wednesday, March 31, 2010

JOTD: President Obama

Smart man, Mr. President. You can see that we are addicted to oil and that isn't going away. You agree to give us methadone (offshore drilling) to ease the withdrawl symptoms while you prepare to come flying in with some badass, legitimate, sweeping legislation that will allow US citizens to have transportation/energy that is green, efficient and awesome. Also, after your extreme left health care legislation (personally a tough pill to swallow, but I know it will be the right move.) a move to the center is well advised and timely. Although the ignorants on both sides of the aisle will say differently.

35mpg Biodiesel Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 4x4 with 6 inch lift dibs.


  1. Did you just call dibs on a fuel-efficient 4x4? Awesome. The cover story on the Washington Post today talked about a woman in Michigan who wrote a letter to Jackal Obama and received a personal response. Apparently, along with his daily briefing, the real live jackal we elected requests 10 personal letters a day, unvetted, and considers them among the most important documents he reads.

  2. US is finally catching up to the rest of the world. Diesel is the path and the light.

  3. I have no problem with this approach if it's made as part of an agreement to get Republican support for climate change/cap and trade/alternative energy legislation. The administration has already given way to the GOP on government-backed loans for the nuclear industry as well (something that I, even as someone who would substantially benefit financially from an expansion of the nuclear industry, find extremely suspect from a policy perspective). The problem, I think, is that Republicans will probably still be in blanket opposition to this initiative - how can they not be after claiming climate change is a hoax and cap and trade is just more socialism? And if they don't support it, why capitulate to them?

    P.S. The Onion - something RTB turned me on to probably a decade ago - is as awesome as ever.

  4. there is that he said she said again. I agree but let's see where this goes...probably nowhere for months and months and then eventually some watered down, expensive piece of crap like the rest of the shit coming out of DC.

  5. Just to be clear, I think the question is what is optimal from a policy perspective. And I think the nuclear stuff in particular - I'm less sure about the offshore drilling - moves us very much away from that optimal policy. I'd be willing to do that if it improves the bill's chances of passage, but I don't see the rationale for damaging the effectiveness of a piece of legislation without getting potentially decisive votes in exchange for it. I am willing to let this play out and see what happens, though.

    The thing about energy policy is that it's not terribly well-aligned by party, because there are a lot of Democrats (like my three members of Congress, for example) who represent areas that generate dirty energy. So it's less likely that you can pass something along a party-line vote, but similarly, there are likely Republicans who can see what an enormous issue this is for the country and might be brought on board for this type of deal. I'm reasonably optimistic that that's what's going on here, but we'll just have to wait and see.

    I have some other more specific thoughts on energy policy that hopefully I'll get around to posting some day, but first I gotta get through the next month or so without going insane...

  6. I still can't get over how awesome that Jeep is....and that is why you are Head and I am BallDEEP. By the way if you go insane and decide to go driving around the country yelling and stuff, not taking showers and peeing on mailboxes I want in...going through Jackal withdrawl

  7. I have thoughts on this but I am not drunk enough to voice them. You all should have been out last Saturday when myself and two others discussed this as well as health care loudly and drunkenly for hours on end until nobody was sitting within 3 tables of us. Maybe next time...

  8. Boogs, I just got around to reading the article about the letters and it really is a pretty amazing one.

  9. P.S. That sounds like a grand old time SS! Count me in next time...

  10. The Post can dream, can't they? It's blatantly obvious he's the Anti Christ looking for we humans' vulnerabilities and weaknesses, so he can lead every American and person on the planet into the seventh layer of hell. Glad you liked the article, though.
