Friday, May 20, 2011

Unwarranted Celebration of the Day: BHMF

"I'd also like to hark back to a post a while back when HEAD was supporting some cockamanie economic plan. Probably QE2 or some plan O was touting to save the economy. I remember pointing out something about HYPER inflation and that is the real threat here. Fuck inflation that shit is for pussies, HYPER inflation is what we need to be worried about!!!!! Oh shit, I'm gonna buy some more ammo and seeds and booze cause its gonna be a wild ride!"

Or not:Just for reference, "hyperinflation" means an inflation rate of at least 50 percent per month, or about 13,000% annually. So just 12,998.3% to go!

If there's one thing that freaks me out about BMR's post, it's the prospect of Wall Street going all bubble with our food supply. There aren't enough good investments out there so they just prop up one market (commodities) after another (housing) after another (dot com) and we all get fucked in the process. But going back to the rules that kept us mostly bubble-free for half a century (1932-1980s) would be socialist or something so we can't possibly do that...

WTF?: Science Got a Cracka Trippin'

How are these two stories not getting more media coverage? Remember the past fifty years when both diagnoses meant you'd probably prefer death to living with either. Science done got a cracka trippin'. Do ya thang, science. Make it do what it do.