Monday, April 18, 2011


Hey, OBD, why couldn't your vaunted, all-knowing Bush administration pull this one off? Seems funny to me how the 15-year low was achieved in 2009, after BHO got to work. Skrimp. Actually, you really have to give credit to Ol' Skull & Bones. After all, the economy being in the toilet was likely the number one contributor. If we could convince India and China to eat each other and take piggy-back rides to work, we might be in good shape.

If You Gotta Go...

So the story behind that really cheesey, kind of jackal photo is I googled this poor bastard's name and got a jackal-related(albeit Stargate-esque) image like six hits down the list.

Just to think though, all that bullshit over a woman. I know a lot of them seem like they're worth it, but crocodiles?

You Don't Say...

I'm kind of tired of ninjas waiting a decade to start talking about shit.

Did you digest that? How's this for holy shit?

Gay Clone Industry: Douchebag Manufacture

Tea Party holds rally on Capitol Hill
If I had known these fuckers were right in my back yard, I would have gotten awesome and UNF'd that ass. I do want to bury my turtle in Michelle Bachmann's mud, though...
Tea Party holds rally on Capitol Hill