Sunday, March 14, 2010

Boogerdamus Speak Da Troof

OBD, do you see that beautiful blueness right there? That's the only thing that keeps Earth as awesome as it is. I heard it referred to as Earth's limb, but you're conservative pals on FoxNews might be happier with the term O-Zone Layer. Every time you make fun of 'climate change' you're pretty much making it Marcellus Wallace and calling yourself Zed. But I'm trying Ringo, I'm trying REEAALLL hard to be the shepherd.


We should invest in these and count on them to supply this industry. OBD, I want to beat a dead horse and this shit is important. The CO2 getting jiggy with our planet right now is the effect of our emissions(haha...emissions) in the 1960s. We haven't stopped producing excess amounts of the compound, we've likely tripled it. I can't find the research. SPR, you're a nerd. Do you have any research on the length of time it takes carbon dioxide to affect our atmosphere? Or how about a graph detailing the disparity between 1960s greenhouse gas emissions and those of current day?

P.S. your boy BMR posed his thesis to the stiffs at Columbia University. I think they might get themselves posted in the Den.

Happy Pi Day, SPR

Happy Pi Day to all you guys who spent your Saturday night blogging or spent four years at Duke (Gay Clone) University or have ever worn a Star Wars costume while waiting in line to see a Star Wars movie.

If you're not completely weirded out yet, click this link to change all of that.

This guy recites pi at 5:45 of this clip.

Let's go Georgia Tech!

Another Selection Sunday...

...Another year with VT right on the bubble. Lunardi has us second-to-last in. Yahoo has us as the last team out. Bracketology 101 says "Two of the following three teams will not make it: Virginia Tech, Illinois, and Florida. If Mississippi State wins, they all might be out." Come on Selection Committee, you know you want us...

Stephen Seagal: Fat and old...still completely fucking insane

Nuggets put me up on this show. Fucking hilarious

Save a seed, save your life

Most people who even bother to plant seeds (vegetable and fruits) currently don't think about the type they are planting. Most seeds you buy at HD and Lowes and other places are genetically modified seeds, designed to yield an easier to grow, more productive product.

The problem with that is, if you try to save the seeds from the object you planted, and replant - you will end up with a mutation, and as a result a dependency on seed companies (not a bad thing on their part) for new seed, instead of how nature tends to run- eat a plant/save seeds/ plant seeds/grow plant/ repeat.

Heirloom varieties are what you want. Yes, heirloom as in, being the same seeds in the same family for 100+ years. Tried and true varieties that produce and YOU can reproduce.

I have limited land, but still do container plants, and can get enough vegetables for a summer at least with limited space. Something to think about in the time of rising food costs at least.

Some resources below-


Introducing, Sam, the new Ghost Dog

Original BD's tattoo makes jokes

nuthin but love nuthin but love

PS is triumph Adam Sandler? sounds exactly like him.

here is part 2 (this shit is way funnier than Jude Law's non-straight ass on SNL)

BD # 2 new tattoo if he has the stones

Please lets get drunk sometime and let me convince you that this (above) is a great idea to get tattooed on you forever.