Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hello, Distraction...

 Your ol' pal was getting real salty with tha politics and ecomonomics, but check it, America can just get shitty and watch the fooze. Keep an eye on the jackal pictured below. Pittsburgh be some skrimp!

Someone let Dante (Reagan?) know........

...we Jackals be rolling ten deep (at least) down that beautiful highway, that old familiar highway to HELL!!! Can anyone say Thunderstruck or Thunderfuck, if you be the Boogers man!?!?! All I know is when these nuc plants start going it won't matter what AC/DC song we be singing at the time, they will all be pertinent. Meltdown, Brainshake, Deep in the Hole, Live Wire, Shot Down in Flames, Shake Your Foundations, Fire Your Guns, Got You By the Balls Take Your Pick