Dare you go, hot chick who makes me do her work! Do you have any idera how fruckin' busy I ram?!!? So (one of) the girl(s) that makes me do all her work was just getting railed by her boss about how she isn't doing her job, which is very similar to what I was saying last week. It felt awesome to hear him bitch her out for like twelve minutes within ear shot of 15 co-workers.
P.S. The man who ended Baltimore's consecutive games without a 100-yard rusher streak has been arrested. No karma to thank for that one, just good ol' fashioned Bengals' character issues. And the Steelers' offensive line that was already patchwork, has lost a big piece. Apparently, the ex-Cowboy and walking penalty flag Flozell(with a really fucking stupid name) Adams is being looked at. Ravens faithful could try to script a better offseason, but they would need Michael Bay's help.
CTB Show 527: Five to Ten Dads
21 hours ago