Thursday, January 14, 2010

GCOTD: Johnny Weir

Careful with this one, my jackals.

Video Game Awesomeness

If anyone is a gamer at all please see the below awesome image of every console ever made!

If you visit the following link - Give time for the page to load and then you can click on each console to look at what it is/was.

Snack Food Debate

When I was a wee lad I loved snack time.

I mean, when you are a kid and attend awesome public school you have three scheduled eating events within your day.

1. Morning Snack - Usually a milk and some sort of shitty ass granola bar or fruit roll up or god forbid REAL fruit
2. Lunch - Time to find your cardboard school pizza and some TOTS
3. Afternoon Snack - Usually a juice box and some sort of chips or other bagged product

Well with all of these habitual and repetitive eating times throughout my childhood I became a true snack junkie. Shit when you add breakfast and dinner to that you are eating 5 times a day and that is pretty awesome in my book!

All of this brings me to my fucking long overdue point! What are the best snacks?????

When I was that wee lad in my snack food infancy I would eat anything put before me as long as it didn't come in the form of lima bean. As I grew to be the young punk teenager that I was the realm of snack food grew immensely to the level I call, In the beginning. I thought Doritos, Fritos, Pringles, Combos, and basically anything that is at 7-11 was the shit.

As I grew from punk ass teenager to thought I knew it all college fucker I grew into level two which I call, Now we're getting somewhere. Here is where Ramen Noodles, Taquitos, Taco Dips, Microwave Nachos, Waffle Fries, Pork Rinds, Sunflower Seeds, and more were discovered. Basically anything that was CHEAP and able to be made or last in a dorm room without refrigeration.

Then I grew into the sitting behind a desk all fucking day snack junkie that I am today. I will still snack on just about anything but I now look for all new ways to snack. So I offer up my latest finds to the den and ask that you bitches send me some new suggestions also to help FEED my addiction to the all mighty Snack Time!

Bacon Bourbon Caramel Corn

Bacon Wrapped Pigs in a Blanket

Butterfly Fries; Additions Needed: Cheese and what else.... BACON

Holler with your favorite snacks big, small, tall, short, healthy, fattening, WHATVER...

BD2 Side project

I don't understand why you all are so salty about SOP. It isn't like I am posting any less in the Den. And something tells me you could give 2 shits about cycling, hipster rock tunes, and shit like that, right?
So when I post that stuff on SOP there is no loss to the Den. In fact it ensures that the Den is kept Jackal. If you look into the Jackals Den past you will find more than a few posts that are not jackal in the least and they were posted here because there was no other place for them to be said.
I realize that the Den is amazing in every way shape and form, but due to the graphic rawness and jackalness it is a place where many fear to tread (namely women)and therefore our reach is limited. Consider SOP a conduit for people who want to be jackal but are scurrred or almost there but not quite. They will read SOP and say "wow BD2 thanks for the info about the power companies and pictures of your bikes...and what is this link to this 'jackals den' you speak of? maybe I should take a look" and then they will click on the link to the Den and their eyes will be opened to the true glory of being jackal.
Also, there is more to BD2 than just getting awesome, making jokes, talking about chicks, talking about sports and the like. As awesome as those things are they are not all that I have to offer. (cue in the copy/paste from Head or SS to use this last statement in a joke against me.)
In conclusion, if you hate my other blog then ignore it, but if you are questioning my alligence to the den then you are sorely mistaken.