Wednesday, September 2, 2009

JOTD: This guy

I want to invite this guy to Mancation '10 when he gets out on bond. I'm just hoping my jackalism doesn't lead him to be 'greatly perturbed', but I'm willing to gamble four or five slaps. Ball Deep, forgive me for overposting, but you know how much I hate your excessive youtube shuttling. Plus, this ties in pretty nice with your 'WalMart is the Shit' post. Next time you're there, keep your baby quiet, okay? The best part of this story? 'Though the child "started crying and screaming" after being struck, Stephens told Matthews, "See, I told you I would shut her up."'

Jackal of the Day: 9 year old Jackal

This little jackal was pissed at his parents for not letting him play anymore last Saturday, so he stole their car and drove away. Crazy kids!

Work got you down? At least your not one of these people

If your like me then you have a physical reaction of sickness when you even see a Walmart, much less go into one and, jackal-forbid, buy something. Walmart is everything that is evil and wrong with the world, but these people don't seem to mind much because they don't give a fuck about anything and those rollback savings are just so inviting.

People of Walmart