Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rain sucks almost as much as snow....Almost

It finally stopped raining today.  In fact it was fucking beautiful.  Got out for a ride on my bike as any jackal with their own sister site would and it was fanfuckingtastic.  But the weekend, holy geez did it suck eggs.  This is not a river but a road.This is normally where I mountain bike comfortably dry. not so much on this day
This is normally a small creek, that house on the left was eventually added to the toxic soup
I found one good way to get around the rainy day blues Sunday and it involved a mountain bike and 5-6 inches of solid mud (toxic NJ mud) to ride around in and then a proper cleaning of said bike by driving through the a bunch of roads that were underwater (toxic NJ water) in my (toxic NJ) town.  There is a Bruce Springsteen song in there somewhere... 
What was not cool was the 4 hours worth of commuting yesterday because every major road was closed due to flooding...not jackal in the least.

PS - I just farted.

PPS - That last label is just to see if Duke is still lurking around. Something tells me we haven't heard the last from that guy. I think he is pretty damn funny does that make me a clone by association?

PPPS - where the fuck is Scar Shoulders??!!?!
