Monday, February 21, 2011

The Time Has Come............ draw your line in the sand. Mine has been drawn. Your turn to decide. I read this atrocity this morning and almost puked. Really that is where our tax money goes. Now I implore someone to explain this to us. And please remember to include something about our civic duty, and improving infrastructure, how our tax money builds schools, feeds the hungry, helps the poor. Something real nice sounding like that, okay?

Wake up people, the world is on fire. Time to defund the empire. Your either with us or your with the terrorists. If you can't beat 'em, you better join 'em.

RHCP said it best: blow up your MF'ing TV. Oh yeah sure, John Prine's Spanish Pipedream laid the groundwork for the Peppers, but what's the world without a little copyright infringement? Huh?!? I dunno, figure it out yourselves.......

Footnote: I approve of the firearm and bathing suit, though the stars and stripes theme is a little tacky. As for the human scum in the bathing suit, I wish her.........(censored). Merry Presidents Day.