Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval


  1. I will refrain from all future political postings unless prompted/impugned upon.

  2. 42% of Americans find that 75% of polls are accurate 162% of the time when 8% of those polls are 37% impugnable. KFTC.

  3. 46 Approve, 45 Disapprove.

    Looks like the majority (okay, plurality) of Americans agree with me!

  4. Again, with the gibberish. The Gallup Poll is probably one of the most respected , as far as polls go. Look it up sometime, when you pull your head out of the sand.

    Also, impugnable is a great word and I use it with impunity. My grammatical placing of it was impeccable and unimpeachable.

    You sir, are implacable and an....

    wait for it..



    Dont fuck with tha words u cant unnerstan lil ninja, or try to spear me with what you think are made up words.

  5. Down from 70% a year ago? That's pretty bad. Did you see the inverse trend rising upwards? Just saying. Rather, just showing how its trending.

  6. OBD, would you do humanity a solid and keep this promise?

    Rusty T. Bone said...
    I will refrain from all future political postings unless prompted/impugned upon.

    MARCH 11, 2010 3:03 PM

    Oh, and get a vasectomy.

  7. Oh, I understand what you're getting at with regards to the trend. I'm just not sure why it should bother me.

    P.S. That comment was awesome.
    P.P.S. I'm not sure why you should refrain from all future political postings. I like a difference in perspectives, even if it means ones with which I almost always disagree.

  8. my poll says this post is 100% not interesting at all

  9. I know that. BMR- you get a vasectomy you socialist turd. Or just move to France. I bet you will even say the metric system is better.

  10. I LOVE it that RTB took a random shot at the metric system.

  11. (The metric system is better)

  12. The metric system is base ten right? It's WAY better.

  13. Go to france with Johhny Depp fags. 21 jump street on this 700mm dick however the fuck big that is!
