Sunday, March 14, 2010

Boogerdamus Speak Da Troof

OBD, do you see that beautiful blueness right there? That's the only thing that keeps Earth as awesome as it is. I heard it referred to as Earth's limb, but you're conservative pals on FoxNews might be happier with the term O-Zone Layer. Every time you make fun of 'climate change' you're pretty much making it Marcellus Wallace and calling yourself Zed. But I'm trying Ringo, I'm trying REEAALLL hard to be the shepherd.


We should invest in these and count on them to supply this industry. OBD, I want to beat a dead horse and this shit is important. The CO2 getting jiggy with our planet right now is the effect of our emissions(haha...emissions) in the 1960s. We haven't stopped producing excess amounts of the compound, we've likely tripled it. I can't find the research. SPR, you're a nerd. Do you have any research on the length of time it takes carbon dioxide to affect our atmosphere? Or how about a graph detailing the disparity between 1960s greenhouse gas emissions and those of current day?

P.S. your boy BMR posed his thesis to the stiffs at Columbia University. I think they might get themselves posted in the Den.


  1. Head,

    You avoid this like the plague. Is it not possible that carbon poses our biggest planetary threat, but has the potential to be one of mankind's greatest innovations/adaptations? This is probably the coolest thing ever talked about in the Den and I'm the only one who gives a shit. I hate you guys.

  2. awesome. hopeful. go boogs.

  3. Sorry Boogers, life is very hectic right now and I'm not doing a very good job of keeping up with everything.

  4. Well put the baby down and formulate an opinion on carbon's potential as an 'unnatural resource'. Wouldn't that be badass if the human race was all, "oh fuck, there's too much carbon" and then they were all like "no shit, we can use all of this carbon"? No word from Columbia yet. They're probably trying to cope with getting their wig blown back too. Ba leeve it. Boogerdamus has spoken.
