Tuesday, October 13, 2009

JOTD: SS on Assignment

Some jackals are tried and true. Some jackals get awesome in the face of GAFness. From time to time, you'll encounter a jackal so jackal, your own jackaldom is called into question. What follows is an actual transcript of the events of the pre-mission dossier:

me: called and confirmed
they didn't say "She's not in today"
you should be pretty golden
she's fucked
10:51 AM SS: ok, *$%@# street is it
me: yeah dude
SS: dont worry, i'm taking backup
me: oh my god
10:52 AM SS: ?
me: is it a step troop?
SS: oh, i wish
me: like in stomp the yard?
SS: nah, just people that wanna laugh
and grab lunch after
me: you could serve her literally and figuratively
SS: i will
ok, dope, i'll let you know what happens
10:53 AM me: fuck yeah
Jackals 4eva, indeed, SS, jackals 4eva indeed.