Friday, May 14, 2010

Sex toys disguised as Exercise machines

I think this may be the best infomercial ever.

BallDeep Is About To Be Fired the Fuck Up: Wall Street sequel

I wasn't crazy about the first one, but it did provide this gem. BD2x on the other hand, he reps the movie Wall Street like Rusty T. reps Alex Jones. However, when you move to NYC(ahem or Jersey) and you're fed to the "financial services" industry, it's pretty much required viewing. As for sequels, fuck it, I 'm not going into sequels, but Shia LaBeouf is a clone ass motherfucker. The fact that his last name is any kind of French really counts against him, but the name Shia sounds like a house cat. Hey LaBeouf family, KFTC.

Jackal Movie of the Day: Machete(unreleased)

This movie looks jackal as fuck. What's really hilarious is ultra conservatives think it's going to cause Mexican Americans to mount an offensive of civil unrest in the wake of Arizona's recent legislation. I haven't watched the Alex Jones YouTube video yet, but I plan on doing so on a portable device as I repel down the side of his house with a machete to kill him while he sleeps. This cast is ridiculous, it includes Don Johnson. I didn't even think that guy was still alive, but Rodriguez is taking one from Tarantino's book and resurrecting an 80s legend to modern day glory. DeNiro, Alba(yum), this crazy Mexican guy with a bunch of scars and jackal looking stuff, some other hot chick whose last name is Rodriguez(check for citizenship), watch the trailer, it's fucking hilarious. Alex Jones, get a good meal tonight. You're a dead man.