Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Drinkin caucasians and watching hockey?

Scar shoulders abides.

Dartmouth is representing!

With dudes dressed as chicks on Jeopardy making hilarious remarks...

Jackal in Hiding: BD2

Now that full disclosure revealed BD2's whereabouts and affinity for working from home, where there clearly is no obstructing his Den time, how long until he posts? Does he not know 'Another YouTube From BallDeep' is no longer the most recurring label on the Den? Does he care? He didn't know the Caps played at noon on national TV on Sunday and nearly missed the best hockey game of the season. Where would he be without BMR's youthful guidance? Is he the Caps lucky charm? These questions and more. BD2, where are you?

P.S. Check out Lindsay Czarniak's fine self making fun of Crosby. Do you see that Sidney? A woman, a very beautiful woman is calling you a crybaby. Psst, BD2, she's a 'Skins fan too.

Dead dog?

Or just sick of the snow? You decide...