Monday, January 11, 2010

GCOTD: Keth Brooking (Entire Cowboys Roster)

I don't know who would get fired up watching this fuckin'
honkey 'do his thing'. Babyface, does this 'git you
ready for some football?' Please tell this man he is not Ray Lewis.

Sad to report, the year of the clone continues...

Clone like activity that occurred in the last 76 hours.
  • Ball Deep deleted a post of mine. A hilarious post. The Den has been active for over 6 months now and it is the fist time this has ever happened. The man is drunk with power. To be perfectly honest this may be punishable by death by Razzouk.
  • Babyface wore a youth small Cowboys jersey and cheered for them loudly. He redeemed himself by getting really awesome. Still pretty clone like however.

Voicemail committed the following crimes against Jackaldom all in one weekend:

  1. He sent me a text asking me if I was watching the GTown game, or the UConn game, I don't know who it was but it was certainly some Big East Big Gay Bullshit
  2. He opted to hang out with his fair ladies high school friends instead of watching football and getting awesome with his Jackals.
  3. He was hanging out with a Jackal who wanted to watch the MD game Sunday night and cast a vote to watch something else on TV. Dude grew up in Laurel and went to MD. It was their fist ACC game. They were in the process of beating a Top 20 team at home.

Three strikes ya OUT Voicemail!

Jackals be slippin.

Boogers McRib and Scar Shoulders may have to carry the flag of awesome by their lonesome this decade...

Hey, New Jersey! Way to Contribute

If you're building a sex robot, don't make it look like Chrissie Hynde and Napolean Dynamite had a cyborg baby. Hey, New Jersey, keep fuckin' that chicken, I mean robot. China is mass-producing windmills to generate electricity. Japan is a decade ahead in the electric car. What's the U.S. working on? Getting nerds laid by a machine that says, "I love holding hands with you" which is very creepy considering "The level of sophistication demonstrated was not beyond that of a child's talking toy".

WTF??: Yellow Taxi

Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone? Indeed Gary and Wyatt sculpted paradise with bras on their heads. Cruel ass Father Time paved this bitch like a parking lot.

Granted, that big ass bitch had duck lips to begin with, but heed this warning, my jackals. I don't particularly care for her, but if you're an Angelina Jolie fan, don't wait until 2030 to let her know.