Republican Reaction:
"Wait a dagone minute, the goberment is trying ta do stuff...fuck that!"
"McCain, who is in a tough Republican primary fight in his home state, said the GOP "will challenge it every place we can," and said there will be reprisals at the polls, in Congress and in the courts."
Um, yeah you a dumb as fuck..Democratic Reaction:
Um, yeah you a dumb as fuck too..
Ball DEEP's Reaction:
Fuck all this she said she said noise about Dems and Rebs. We are fucking American like it or not and the rest of that shit is noise. I know people personally in my own family and friends that will directly benefit from this legislation. Like it or not it is a good thing in the long run. I too hate big government, but look at the state of this country...seriously something has to give. This is going to be a good thing and hopefully we will see more now that Obama (although he sucks at BB pools and says "um" a lot) will be legitmized and get even more shit done.
Don't tread on me...that is fine but don't expect a god damn thing in return. Unemployment, disability, education, roads, books, military, etc...etc.
Tax me? That's fine but make it worthwhile and BD2 and the rest of the country will be just fine.
Um....well....said? (A quality rant for a Monday)