Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sensi-United States of America

This must sound a lot like Pontius trying to convince you to go to a D.C. United game, but this shit is in the mail. I'm no mathematician, but ninjas are doing time. I know letting them out will do some hurtin' to our workforce situation, but what put them in there is potentially a hundred billion dollar industry left for the black market. Hilarious, absolutely hilarious that a prescription will get you this, but the naturally occurring marijuana plant offers the same pain-killing properties, coupled with appetite stimulation, euphoria and it makes almost the entire Steely Dan collection sound, just tops.

And there's those damn medical benefits...

A more serious case can be made for my good friend, hemp. "Indeed, many of America’s forefathers, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, earned a living at one point in their lives growing and selling hemp, which was used to make everything from paper to rope to sails to clothing." - taken from here

Factoid #420(ha, no way! ha) -Unlike cotton, hemp does not require large doses of pesticides and herbicides as it is naturally resistant to pests and grows fast, crowding out weeds. To make paper, trees must grow for many years, while a field of hemp can be harvested in a few months and make four times the paper over a few decades. Also, making paper from hemp uses only a fraction of the chemicals required to turn trees into paper.

Not to mention, you can grow it in all of these fucking places...

If you're anything like me, you embrace a chance to tell Canada how much they suck. Here's one case where that is not true.

I'm not trying to be a flag burning hippie, I'm asking nicely to remove all of the otherwise law-abiding citizens out of our legal system(save $$$), stop making paper with trees (save Earth, $$$), tax legal marijuana(make $$$), and the day it shows up on a list as convincing as this one here, I'll change my mind. Barbara Bush, go the fuck asleep!

How much is this worth?

Poker is gambling and luck and let no fool tell you otherwise. Yes some skill is needed BUT the game does boil down to luck. (how is it that there isn't any midget prostitues around here? i am just saying) WHAT can make you jump up and run at 2am? What's more intense? what makes u skull fuck monitors?

POKER: The best card game ever (is it Jackal? I don't know but Bond played it, doest that count?)