Thursday, April 21, 2011

They Ain't Call Him the Goddamn King for Nothing!!!!!

The don't make rock stars like they used to. I submit this crazy shit to the Den. Please read and digest ASAP, it is more genuine American History our lazy ass history teachers failed to teach us.

The part of the article I want to focus on is this: "Elvis was traveling with some guns and his collection of police badges, and he decided that what he really wanted was a badge from the federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs back in Washington. "The narc badge represented some kind of ultimate power to him," Priscilla Presley would write in her memoir, Elvis and Me. "With the federal narcotics badge, he [believed he] could legally enter any country both wearing guns and carrying any drugs he wished."

You see Elvis was actually the original gansta. He had pimped out rides, he had guns, he had bling, he probably called Priscilla a "bitch" and a "ho". And he was white so the President would meet with him.

Also important to mention is Elvis' intellectual side. Clearly he understood that the second amendment was very important to a free society. Gangsta's got a right to pack heat too. And he clearly understands that badge=power whether that power is real or not is beside the point. All he needed was to get his hands on that badge and he was golden.

I just love all the irony that history affords us. Truth is stranger than fiction. Plus drugs and guns fucking rule. All this anti gun sentiment has got to go. I see all these Guns are GAF statements on the Den and I just shed a little tear inside. If you have any doubts that I may perhaps be wrong just look to our rock stars for some guidance. After all it is they who we turn to in times of need. Look what guns and drugs have done for them. Worked out well for Elvis anyhow.

And one last thing of note is this piece here: "Arrayed in a purple velvet suit with a huge gold belt buckle and amber sunglasses, Elvis came bearing a gift—a Colt .45 pistol"

Can you just imagine Michael Jackson giving Barack a handgun is freaking present???